
Hi, I'm Dawn

Learn a lot with Little Pot

Little Pot is the main character in my children's books and school curriculum πŸͺ΄The Potter grows fruit through Little Pot just as God desires to grow the fruit of the Spirit through you. Join us on this fruit-bearing journey! We can help you confidently teach others about God and His creation 🌎 while growing the fruit of the Spirit πŸ“ Get #creativeteachingresources and #childrensbooks

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Karen McMullin
I am a seasoned Bible teacher with over four decades of experience in leading Ladies' Bible Studies. Since 1993, I have served as a devoted assistant to my husband, who is the Senior Pastor of Abundant Life Fellowship Church, where I have played a pivotal role in various aspects of the church's ministry. Inspired by the call of God, I am now venturing into the online world, where I can work as a Creativepreneur and Life Coach. My passion is helping mothers navigate the challenges of their children's life choices and guiding them on how to pray effectively for their loved ones.
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